Click on “Tour of our school” below to get started. You will receive an email confirmation.
If you would like a tour outside of these times, please call the school at 703-722-1428.
Please read the terms and conditions. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to be directed to the actual registration platform. Clicking on that link indicates your agreement to all our terms and conditions.
Application and enrollment fees are non-refundable.
Tuition is paid in monthly installments only and is due by the 1st of each month. The first month’s tuition is due at the time enrollment is accepted. If payment is denied due to any reason, there is a $50 late payment fee automatically added to the account. There is a 3% credit card fee per transaction; zero fees for ACH.
We hereby promise to meet the tuition rate schedule on the due dates. Failure to comply will result in the consequences stated above. No transfer of records will be granted until all financial obligations to TCM have been fulfilled.
For the 10-month contract, you may choose your 2 month break any time within your contract period, without charge. A minimum of 4 weeks must be taken at a time; the remaining 4 weeks must be taken consecutively within the contract period. For the 12-month contract, there is a 2-week vacation credit applied for any two consecutive weeks taken within that contract period.
If you decide to switch from the 12-month to the 10-month contract, you will automatically be charged the difference for all previous months of attendance. If you switch from a 10-month to the 12-month contract, you will automatically be given credit for the previous months of attendance. Switching contracts is allowable once per contract year.
All students are required to have a Virginia School Health form signed and dated by a physician. This form must be submitted by your child’s first day at TCM.
The placement of the child in the appropriate program/classroom is solely at the discretion of the school. Placement of a child is subject to change at any time, if the school decides that it is in the best interest of the child and the classroom.
There is a $200 fee for all program changes unless requested by the school. The Program Change form needs to be filled and submitted with the fee to effect this change.
TCM reserves the right to deny, cancel, dissolve or suspend a child’s enrollment if regarded as necessary in the best interest of the child and/or the school.
To withdraw your child from TCM, we need a written notification of such intention 30 days prior to the desired last date. Fax, email, or verbal notices are not accepted. It is effective from the date TCM receives the notice. Tuition will be billed immediately for the remaining 30 days, and any further fees you may incur in those 30 days for additional services provided.
If the school is closed on a specified day of the week a child is scheduled to attend and/or if the child is absent on a specified day of the week, no make-up or additional days of attendance will be given.
No refunds will be made for days missed due to illness, inclement weather, disaster or holidays.
There is a 10% Sibling discount applied to the lesser of 2 or more tuitions. This discount can only be given when 2 or more children are enrolled at the same time.
Additional days or hours of attendance beyond the currently enrolled program, will be billed extra at $60 per hour. All additional attendance must be approved in advance by the school.
If your child is not picked up on time, you will be charged an overtime rate. There is a $2/minute late pick-up fee effective one minute after scheduled pick up. If your child is to be picked up by 6:30 pm, there will be a $5/minute charge for the first five minutes and an additional $50 if pickup happens any time after 6:35 pm and no later than 7:00 pm. For even later pickups, fees will be determined by the director.
TCM reserves the right to change the tuition rates with a 60 day notice to families.
Families agree to abide by all the rules and regulations set forth by TCM for the safety, health and well-being of the child.
We hereby promise to comply by all rules and policies set forth on this form by the Curious Minds Montessori School.